Few days before of the big mistake that the journalist Claudia Cisneros had done on her twitter( An announcement of The president Alan Garica's wife waiting a baby was posted), She announced her retirement of Radio Capital where she share an space with Phillip Butters. People think there were a politic influation about her decission, but Claudia Cisneros said that she feels tired and stressed because she works also on the Tv station "Frecuencia Latina"(channel 2) and she doesn't have enough time to rest.
A rumor about Claudia Cisneros and Phllip Butters is being commented reciently. People think Butters had told her about the false ( About Alan Garcia Wife's pregnancy) so she got angry with him. No one knows the true, but also the journalist Magaly Medina said that she will leave Radio Capital too.
The last thing she said was " I don't feel in a good mood to continue working under pression, I want to relax and take it easy.
Giovanni Mena
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