For I have conditioned the right to visit the father of my children to pay sums of money, I reject this slanderous assertion," said Marisol Aguirre. The actress also said that it was ill-treated Christian Meier. Read, vote and view! "Quite the contrary, I have always promoted the parent-child relationship between them," explained the host of 'The other show' in a lengthy press release. Also, the remembered 'Sparrow' reaffirmed be a victim of abuse by Meier, who never stopped for the presence of his children, he explained. "A complaint was based on very real facts of violence (...), who witnessed the staff working at home, family and even my minor children. Also, is the subject of the complaint and stated in the forensic medical examinations that were performed at the time, "he said. NOTHING GIFTS At another point on the chart, Marisol explained that the house he now lives, and the car has not been gifts from her ex-husband, but property that "belonged to the conjugal partnership formed by us in 13 years of marriage . "Thus, among other things, my ex-wife kept the house in Villa land on the island of Pucusana, a car and both savings in bank accounts that had his name in Peru and abroad who never would make known what amount totaled, "he added. "Concha" Mortified also have heard that Christian told him "shell", for wanting me to pay your insurance, among others, in an interview for 'intimate enemies', Marisol replied: "I reject the crass insult uttered. Do not know what 'other things' refers as he hands me a dime in any way. The insurance was a requirement in the separation agreement and now seeks to deny he had given that insurance coverage established family including the mother and her children. " OFFENDED "I am shocked, outraged and, above all, attacked by the words of the father of my children (...). The only thing I have done, as you would any mother in my place is out in defense of my children and seek for them the best and keep doing (...). It is symptomatic that every time I get reintegrated in my profession, and I find stability and happiness, whether direct or indirect object of attacks from my ex-spouse "concluded the actress
Publicado por Greta
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