sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Peru on the renaissance trail

Peru is accentuating the positives after some heartening performances in their final four games. One of them was the victory against Honduras soccer team. Hoduras has classified to the WorldCup Championship South Africa 2010, and the worst soccer team of South America( Only got 13 points of a total of 54) defeated them. The match was played in Land Shark Stadium in Miami.

In the stadium were more the 10 000 people and was very exciting. Even without the best peruvian soccer players such as: Claudio Pizzaro, Jefferson Farfan, Paolo Guerrero, Juan Manuel Vargas the peruvians could win the match 2-1.
A not well-known forward, Rengifo, was Who scored the last goal to give the victory for Peru. What he was doing in the last 4 matches is amazing. He scored in the match against Uruguay and Argetina too. It's not a coincidence that He has enhanced skills to be a good forward.
Now in Peru is being discussed Who is going to be the next coach. Some people said the " he should be Peruvian", others expect for an international coach. There are lots of good coaches around at the moment with the ability to run the national side but there's no one in mind yet.
But there is not happiness for People of Honduras. They were dissapointed when they were noticed a friendly match will be played in Miami against Peru. They wanted to play with a team with more level. That's why when they lost the match, the whole country was worried about the reality of their soccer skills.
The fans have declarated different opinions like “A forgettable campaign, a meaningless win”, “The nightmare is over” and others. They hope the team keep on working hard to do a good role in the next eliminatories Brazil 2014. It's time to turn over a new leaf.
Enrique Flores A.

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